Q: If I am selected, am I guaranteed any winnings?
A: All Bowlero Corp league bowlers that are selected will be paid an appearance fee. After that, winnings will be determined on how many matches you win in the tournament.
Q: Is the tournament scratch or handicap?
A: All matches are scratch. There is no handicap.
Q: Can more than one bowler from a Center be selected?
A: Yes.
Q: If I am selected, is the trip to Jupiter, FL to bowl in the tournament paid for?
A: No, bowlers must pay for their own transportation and hotel.
Q: If the tournament is being held on December 21 & 22, 2019, if I’m selected when would I need to be in Florida?
A: It is suggested that bowlers arrive on Friday, December 20, 2019. Someone from the Bowlero team will be in contact with all invited bowlers to review the complete schedule of events.
Q: What happens if I am selected and then cannot commit to making the trip to the tournament?
A: You will forfeit your spot and another bowler will be offered the spot to bowl in the tournament.
If you have any additional questions, please contact BES@bowlerocorp.com