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Q: Do I need to be an active league bowler in a 2019 Bowlero Corp. summer league to be eligible?
Yes, the Bowlero Elite Series Committee will select the pool of league bowlers for the September BES from active summer league bowlers.


Q: What defines a “summer league”?
Leagues must have a start date of February 1, 2019 or later to be considered a “summer league” for the purposes of applying for the September BES.


Q: Do I need to have a minimum number of games bowled in a 2019 Bowlero Corp. summer league?
Yes, bowlers should have a minimum of 15 games bowled in a Bowlero Corp summer league to be eligible.


Q: My league starts on a date in May or June where I won’t be able to get in the 15 minimum games needed. Can I still apply?
Yes, as long as you bowled in a 2018-2019 fall league at a Brunswick Zone, AMF, Bowlero, or Bowlmor center.


Q: If I am selected, am I guaranteed any winnings?
All Bowlero Corp league bowlers that are selected will be paid an appearance fee. After that, winnings will be determined on how many matches you win in the tournament.


Q: I submitted an application for the April BES. Can I apply again?


Q: If I already submitted an application for the April BES, do I need to apply again?
Yes, a new application must be submitted. You can use the same video as before if you’d like, but it must be uploaded to the application site again to qualify for the September BES. However, we do recommend submitting a new video.


Q: How many times can I apply?
League bowlers may only submit one application during this submission period. At some point in the future if the application process is re-opened then bowlers may apply again.


Q: Is the tournament scratch or handicap?
All matches are scratch. There is no handicap.


Q: I am a PBA Regional member. Can I still apply?


Q: My average is only about 170. Can I still apply?
Certainly! The selection process is also based on personality, not just skill.


Q: Can more than one bowler from a Center be selected?

Q: If I am selected, is the trip to New Jersey to bowl in the tournament paid for?
No, bowlers must pay for their own transportation and hotel. 


Q: If the tournament is being held on September 8 & 9, 2019, if I’m selected when would I need to be in New Jersey?
It is suggested that bowlers arrive on Saturday, September 7, 2019. Someone from the Bowlero team will be in contact with all invited bowlers to review the complete schedule of events.


Q: What happens if I am selected and then cannot commit to making the trip to the tournament?
You will forfeit your spot and another bowler will be offered the spot to bowl in the tournament.


Q: Looking for more information on the December Tournament?
Check out our Demember FAQs.



If you have any additional questions, please contact BES@bowlerocorp.com